
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Electrifying Efficiency

The second Action Project arose for the class Urban Planning, and so after designing a bridge, we're going to revolutionize the electrical grid! Well... At least make a circuit. After studying current, voltage, ohms (resistance), types of circuits, and switches along with a multitude of other terminology and circuit design, our Action Project was to create a function parallel circuit (one where if one thing stops working, the electrons still have a path to flow through), featuring at least 5 resistors (light bulbs, motors, etc. Something that takes some electricity but allows some of it to flow), and 2 switches (one controlling everything, and the other cutting off only a single function). Initially, some challenges including creating a circuit that actually had flow to all resistors. Some circuit designs cut off flow from branches as there's not enough demand for the electrons to pass, thus taking the shorter path of wires instead. Overall, this challenge was overcome with the help of my partner in this project, where you can see her slideshow on the same build here. Without further ado, you may check out the full presentation just below.

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