
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Shoe Box Shelf

Final Action Project in the RPG-2 course. What are we assigned? We're building something for the new space in GCE! While it was difficult to determine what exactly I could build in the new space, I decided that it would be best to build a shelf like structure. Then it was a simple matter of downscaling the size to something I could feasibly make. Hence, why I used shoeboxes.

Just right here you can go to the Intractable link that details how you can make it. In case you aren't familiar with intractable, it's essentially a site where you can share not only your creations, but instructions on how to make them too. The time lapsed video shown was 38 seconds, and that was at a 30fps rate. Since the time lapse takes 2 pictures every second, that means that we can do 38sec x 30fps to get double the original time (so dividing the answer by 2 gives the original time), which was 570 seconds total. I was slightly inspired by this Ikea hack as it had the same principle of box structures being together to create a shelf. Now as of the tools I used, leverage assisted my use the scissors as the bolt in scissors is like a fulcrum, even though only torque is applied (the twisting force).

If you want to know exactly everything I used to make it yourself here's a simple list:

  • Cardboard boxes
  • Scissors
  • Tape (electrical or duct)
  • wood working glue (Elmer's to be specific) 

On a side note, I felt that I had slight inspiration (design aside) from one of our Field Experiences to the Rebuilding Exchange. You can check out their site and it's good to note that during this FE, I found myself being captured by what our guide had to say about his life, "Surrounded by trash" claiming that living on the SouthSide of Chicago, the trash was practically following him, even after moving (as his new apartment was right next to a land fill). That inspired me to think, "What if we can make this trash useful?"

With that, I hope you enjoyed reading and may create this yourself!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Perfect Pencil: Better than it is?

Elective term is wrapping up, and with this final Action Project of the Biomimicry class, we're creating better versions of the best. Unique and eco-friendly, that was the goal; reinventing what we commonly use. I decided a pencil would be best since it's literally what I have the most experience with, and it's relevant to my passion with art. Though it was difficult to find a way to improve the pencil, I thought that a unique concept that would benefit the environment, and the environment only... Going through the research, I actually found that modern day pencils are just about as good as it gets. Despite the challenge, I was proud of my unique concept and it while it wouldn't improve off of the pencil in every fashion, I feel that my cardboard mechanical pencil is the best for the environment. Just navigate the slideshow below to view the presentation!