
Monday, December 15, 2014

Psycho - A +1 Movie Review

The second Action Project for the Ollywood class is a video recorded movie critique. We were assigned to watch a movie and review it with out partner (my partner was MI, whose blog is This unit revolved around the production, focusing on certain movie elements, things such as lighting, framing, character performance, and stage/costume design. My partner and I chose "Psycho" (1960), a horror drama film which we reviewed in +1 Movie Reviews, a fictional review show we created for the purpose of this Action Project. Something that was challenging in this project was editing the video, which my partner did a majority of (be sure to check his blogger page out). The processing just took too long. In the end, I was proud of the final video review. It turned out better than I thought. Down below, you can see the actual review, I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

FARE, the Eatalian class

As my morning class this term, I partake in the class known as FARE, a mixed language and cooking class. Going over multiple phrases, introductions, and basic necessities of Italian. This assignment specifically, however, had us doing serveral things, including recording ourselves as we introduce ourselves, a classmate, how we feel, what we can cook, and name that dish (or generalize it). I personally had a hard time getting the right take, I messed up mulltiple times, plus I had many techinical issues on saving the video (therefore, I had to use another computer). All in all, the following video has me saying [transcipt]:

"Hello, my name is VĂ­tor.
I'm feeling good today and this is Mateo" (he is not actually present within video)
"We are both from Chicago, and we cook" (shrugs)

Well this was in content, a short assignment, so this is a short post, either way, I hope you enjoyed.