
Friday, January 15, 2016

Perfect Pencil: Better than it is?

Elective term is wrapping up, and with this final Action Project of the Biomimicry class, we're creating better versions of the best. Unique and eco-friendly, that was the goal; reinventing what we commonly use. I decided a pencil would be best since it's literally what I have the most experience with, and it's relevant to my passion with art. Though it was difficult to find a way to improve the pencil, I thought that a unique concept that would benefit the environment, and the environment only... Going through the research, I actually found that modern day pencils are just about as good as it gets. Despite the challenge, I was proud of my unique concept and it while it wouldn't improve off of the pencil in every fashion, I feel that my cardboard mechanical pencil is the best for the environment. Just navigate the slideshow below to view the presentation!

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