
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

MDG A3 poetry on endagered animals

Humans are populating the Earth by the billions, more than some species of insects, but today, some animals are dying off because of humans. In commomeration, I wrote this poem to show you the wrongs of hunting and overkilling some of these poor near extinct animals. This tale of the endangered species of which I address.
 Extinct Exihbit~VG 2013

Endangered and in Danger

Seven billion people today,
make all the leopards go away,
why is this true,
what can we do? 
Humans have everything
these animals have nothing,
poor, helpless, on the verge of extinction,
a plan should be in motion,
an animal that used to be,
we soon won't be able to see.
Less than 100 today,
what else is there to say?
Soon, like the dinosaurs,
an exhibit for the extinct,
in many museums,
that can really make you think;
"What if we could have saved them,
the pandas, rhinos, tigers and leopards?"
"Just what if?"

All these endangered animals put together is still less than any normal species population, at most 10,000 total, but there is an organization who helps and supports these animals, preserving them, and nursing them back to full health. WorldWildLife (here's their website is an organization that's fairly large and funded to help all the endangered animals in the world. WWF accepts donations of even the smallest kind, so even you can help out and save these poor animals, with nothing holding you back.

original image- Extinct Exhibit~VG 2013

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