So imagine you're in a world that's filled with knights and dragons, but there's one dark lord who rules with an iron fist, terrorizing kingdoms with his monster army... Now imagine everything being set in the future, with multiple planets at stake and such. That is the game of Rizzuto, and in order to win this RPG Board Game, you must deliver the killing blow the the one and only boss, Rizzuto. Choose a class and travel across the board, leveling up, gathering items, and completing side quests, with twists that can change for better or worse by merely tossing a die. Have your fate change and experience something new every play through. Work together, or against one another, to put an end to Rizzuto's horrifying reign.
And here just below we have brief video that give and example of how it plays, live. Making this game was quite fun at first, but since there was a deadline, I found myself scrapping many concepts, and other such features. Honestly, in comparison to the final product I envisioned, this is comparable to an alpha build. However through play testing sessions, I will say that there were definitely aspects that were improved. An example would include the stats, as before, SR (strength) was based on numbers and enemy health, but that's a lot to keep track of for what's supposed to be a simplified role-playing oriented board game, so I changed it to a similar system that everything else is based on "every +5 points in this attribute increases it by a specific chunk/usage".
Despite the fact that I feel like I can develop this much more in the near future, this execution got the main functions across, having each space activate something different when you land on it, along with having the singular 6 sided die determine what happens next.